
Thursday, April 28, 2011

In Which We Are In Awe

Lina Plioplyte

Lina Plioplyte is a Lithuanian-born videographer lives in NYC. She is also a very attractive style to be seen in the street of New York. She does directing, filming, editing documentaries and also doing fashion short videos.

She describes her personal style like psychedelic Minnie Mouse altogether with Cindy Lauper. Many inspirations that affect her style, like the era of ’60s and ’80s, glitter-rock artists, Freddie Mercury, Marlene Dietrich, Andy Warhol’s, Courtney Love, Art Deco, album covers, Almost Famous, New York’s extravagant elderly ladies and so much more. Her keywords in style are leopards and sparkles!

She loves vintage for sure but not in NYC because the price seems to be ridiculous. Even she labels New Yorker’s style as too serious, too safe and too much black! She mentions Queens to have the best Salvation Army and Urban Jungle in Bushwick always has some hidden wonders. But for basic ensemble of attire, nothing can compete with American Apparel.

When it comes to favorite designers she picks quirky menswear by Duckie Brown (florsheimbyduckiebrown.com), Mina Stone (minastone.com) with hand-splashed and oh-so-slouchy silk dresses and Iris Loeffler (irisloeffler.com) for marvelous leather jackets and pants.”

Defining a personal style for her is like a journey of trial and error and for her, dressing should be a celebratory ritual, so there is no point of not dressing up every day. “Learn what you like the most and stick with it! That is how you define your personal style. Always have at least three pieces of clothing to make an ensemble, and you will never be boring,” she utters.
(Source: Time Out New York) 


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